Sunday, December 24, 2006

Cafe Rawda, Ups and Downs

Sunset at Cafe Rawda, Come On..
Who would believe a "vinjan 2ahwe"at sunset, can inspire you to write a poem, or become a famous star, better yet become a politician in today's Lebanon's worst Era..
I have read lots of comments from visitors to our beloved Rawda, people who grew up at that Cafe, who traveled the world looking for peace and prosperity, yet only to come back for great moments and drink that cup of coffee and offcourse let us not forget the Narjileh"water pipe".
Once ,a visitor told me...."you know when we meet in Paris ,sipping our espresso, we discuss how in our upcoming summer vacation in Lebanon, we are looking forward for that great Beiruty sunset @ Rawda...."
Trust me, it is worth the Visit.
If you are looking for a Moderated very expensive , Beirut's downtown look alike cafes , Do not bother, stay in Paris....But if you are looking for your grandparents history and best of times at a famous local Cafe In Ras Beirut, then...visit us at rawda, we will make sure you are at home.
about me....I am , J. Chatila....who is looking forward to meet you in person and be you "nara ya walad"